This was exciting! The flower girl was featured by National Geographic in the Daily Dozen section during the month of June, but in the end some fly-eating birds were selected as being cuter.
The picture was taken at the artisan market in Chichicastenango, Guatemala. The market is spectacular. Most women and some men wear traditional, colorful clothing, and on Sundays the whole spectacle is enhanced by the religious ceremonies held next ot the market. Great to watch, but difficult to shoot, as the locals are not really into cameras.
Nevertheless, Marie was determined to use her charms and wits to get one these camera shy-girls in front of her lens. She invested into a flower arrangement and offered it to several "models". Most of them declined, none of them wanted to keep the flowers!
At least one girl, the one in the picture, agreed and we got a couple of nice shots of her, even smiling, which was not a given.