Sunday, July 27, 2008

I had a dream!

It's Friday night, I come home from work, turn on the TV and it's all over the news: "Gas prices have dropped to a 20 year low of 31.3 cents per gallon because of low demand by consumers. Not only alternative technologies, but mostly the widely accepted use of public transportation in recent years has led to the demise of the single-occupancy car."

In other news the anchor woman announced that the last of the reality shows had been cancelled due to falling ratings. "Don't go away!"

Yawn! Time to get the mail. No bill, no junk? Wait there is a letter from Porsche, offering a free upgrade to the street-legal hydrogen-powered H2s. Hmm, that would come in handy for new high-speed freeways reserved for NoCo cars.

Back to the TV. Just in time to see the Dalai Lama congratulating by phone from his home in Lhasa the pope to the Noble Prize in Peace and Economics. The committee had awarded this years prize to pope Maria Magdalena III for her role in promoting contraception in third world countries.

"Next, Monday Night Football!" That's when it hit me! This was all a bad dream! It was Friday night after all!

I woke up in a cold sweat.