Tuesday, August 18, 2009


While biking around the Four Corners area I brought some light and not so light reading material with me. One of the books was "Solitude - Seeking Wisdom in Extremes" by Robert Kull and I let you decide in which category of reading material this may fall. In any case, the author, no stranger to hardship in life, decided to go for a Ph.D. at age 40 and chose to spend a year on some remote island in the Patagonia wilderness, without human contact, besides a monthly email, to study the effects of solitude on his body and soul.

After a month of bicycle riding on and off the Continental divide and another month relaxing at home I am positive that solitude can be experienced even in presence of other humans, but I must admit, a year in Patagonia makes for better book sales.

Robert's thesis is available for download here.