Sunday, March 23, 2008


After traveling a few months in Latin America, visiting Germany in March is such a contrast! Germany is cold, clean, efficient and organized. There are no speed bumps on the autobahn, to the contrary, roads and cars are built for speed. Traffic signs and rules are obeyed, otherwise the men in green (soon blue!) will get you. Mother nature is reduced to parks and gardens, a good example for that is bear Bruno, who was shot to death after roaming outside his protected habitat. No space for a single live bear in this country, instead he is now on display, well preserved and with educational commentaries, in a museum. Garbage is diligently separated, contained and collected. Food? No worries here about contaminated food or water. Markets and stores are well stocked and examples of cleanliness. The choices of tasty treats from the bakery and the butcher store are overwhelming. All that without visible security. Where are the private armed guards, police, military checkpoints?

It seems the stereotypes are true.

But some things are the same, no? Money rules, gas is expensive, every village has at least two churches... Soccer fever, there are national league games twice a week, spiced up with additional cup contests, all live on TV during prime time, including the mandatory interviews of trainers and players before and after the game. Professional German soccer teams look more like delegations of the United Nations these days, but the fans stand behind their teams.
Soaps, yes German TV has adopted this phenomenon, too. And like their universal counterparts they are characterized by exaggerated herz, schmerz and multiple, parallel stories within one episode, leaving the viewer longing for resolution and... more!

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