Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Mexican Driving Code
Here are the most important Mexican roadsigns, the “TOPES”. If you can’t recognize them, you car and you will become “air born”; your suspension, stirring and muffler will fly away, as well as your traveling companions. The Mexican speed bumps are the entrance gates to hell.
Never mind any other signs, such as ALTO (stop) or “DISMINUYA SU VELOCIDAD” (slow down) or “NO TIRE BASURA” (no littering) or “NO REBASER” (do not pass) or “PROHIBIDO ESTACIONARSE” (no parking), or “UTILIZA TU CINTURON DE SEGURIDAD” or “CEDA EL PASO AL PEATON” (give way to pedestrians ) which no one respects.
In Mexico, you will also see this sign: “NO MALTRATE LAS SENALES”, which seems to attract more graffiti than the other ones.
We wondered for weeks what this frequently seen sign means: “CEDA CAMBIO DE LUCES”. I will let you figure this one out.
"TOPE" is the road sign that Mexicans do not ignore for the sake of saving their cars from the nastiest speed bumps ever built. Unfortunately, half of the speed bumps are not marked…. So watch carefully and be ready to push the breaks.

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