Friday, May 22, 2009

Camino Santiago: Day 9, Ventosa to Cirueña

Still walking...
Tendinitis has teamed up with the blisters...
Finding my own pace? Maybe, I started to day with the idea to walk 10km, then get a hotel room for 2 days and rest up. Well that plan went out the window, the 10km turned into 27km and it looks like i am going at it again tomorrow. I have been getting up before sunrise for the last 10 days, and usually been walking by 6:30 or earlier. In the morning it´s cool and quiet. After 3 hours the pastry shops open, just in time for a croissant or two. Then some more walking until the sun kicks in and it´s time for a siesta. During this time of the year some hostels fill up between 2 or 3, which turns the afternoon in a kind of rat race, which is not so much fun. I quit the race and stop now at smaller auberges inbetween, that are not in the designated endpoints of the recommended stages, much more fun. The last couple of days it was wine country, it´s time for a change...
90 km to Burgos, that could be my final destination this time around, back with a bike or two (aka tandem).

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