Thursday, May 14, 2009

Jakobsweg - 14.5.2009, Day 1: St. Jean Pied de Port - Roncevalles

Das war kein Zuckerschlecken, 27km bergauf, bergab, im Regen, Wind und Matsch. Nach 20 km taten mir die Fuesse weh und ich haette gerne auf den Rest der Reise verszichtet, aber mittendrin kann man halt nicht aufhoeren. Also bis zum bitteren Ende: Roncevalles. Eine Kirche, ein Schlafraum fuer alle, mitten in den Pyreneen.
Angeblich sind so 200 Pilger am Tag unterwegs, hmmm. Wieso sind die denn alle so fit?

That first day was hard. It rained all day, I was wondering several times, what I was doing on this trail. 790km to Santiago, that seems very, very far at this point. So far, I have met only one Columbian, besides the droves of Germans, French and Italians. Yesterday I moved with tres grande vitesse, today the snails were out and I barely passed them. The meadows are green, feeding horses, cows and sheep. There is one violet orchid in bloom, that they do not like. It was a challenge to take pictures and keep the camera dry, but there will be some cool snail and pilgrim shots.

Bueno, I am looking forward to a HOT shower and a BIG pilgrims meal tonight. Where is my massage therapist, when you need her?

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